C. Peter Wagner: his decree over Todd Bentley blows up on his face.If the recent "commissioning" of Todd Bentley proves anything, it is that the so-called apostles and self-described prophets of the neo-charismatic movement are neither. They have no spiritual discernment whatsoever, nor do they possess anything even remotely resembling an "apostlic" annointing.

During the "commissioning" service, described by participants in Charisma Magazine as "one of the greatest moments in revival history," self-appointed leaders from the three "apostolic" organizations laid hands on Todd Bentley. The ostensible purpose of the ceremony was to bring Todd "into alignment."

Overseeing the event was C. Peter Wagner, the head of the International Coalition of Apostles, who made the following "decree:"

"I decree to Todd Bentley, your power will increase, your authority will increase, your favor will increase, your influence will increase, your revelation will increase....I also decree that a new supernatural strength will flow through this ministry. A new life force will penetrate this move of God."

Then, ironically, Wagner said this: "God will pour out a higher level of discernment to distinguish truth from error. New relationships will surface to open the gates to the future."

What, exactly, is a "decree?"

Before I continue, it's important to understand the significance of what Wagner was doing here with his "decree". According to Dutch Sheets, protege and understudy to Wagner:

"Kingly intercession is released through decrees. With them we 'legislate' God's will on earth, in much the same way an earthly king would dictate his." A decree, says Sheets, is "a type of govern­mental intercession or legislating from the heavens"

In Releasing the Prophetic Destiny of a Nation, Chuck Pierce writes:

"A decree is an official order, edict, or decision. A decree is something that seems to be foreordained. This is what makes a decree prophetic...Decree can also mean to order, decide, or offi­cially appoint a group or person to accomplish something. A decree is linked with setting apart or ordaining something or someone."

All this is just to point out that to make a "decree" isn't simply to express a desire that something will happen. It is an act of "legislating God's will on earth." A decree bears the imprimatur of Almighty God. It is a "earth realm" proclamation of what God has already declared in the spiritual realm. As Mr. Pierce says, it is "an official order, edict, or decision."

Tsk, tsk.

Four short weeks after Wagner decreed that Mr. Bentley's influence, favor, and authority would increase, Todd has become a pariah, an albatross around the necks of those who rushed to Lakeland during the height of Bentley's popularity. Revelations about Mr. Bentley extramarital affair with a staff member has forced him to step down from his own ministry.

Furthermore, reports are now coming forth that news of Bentley's affair is just the tip of the iceberg:

"[A]ccording to what we have heard from several sources, this is much more than just an emotional relationship. According to staff And former staff members, they claim that Todd is a pathological liar. The board privately has said that Todd has been lying to them all along. We are praying for those around Todd to demand for him to get the help he needs before thrusting him back into ministry like they did 2.5 years ago when he had an affair with a different staff member."

His influence will increase? His favor will increase? Those words, those utterly false, empty and powerless words of C. Peter Wagner, were the tinkling of a cymbal, the banging of a gong, the hollow utterances of one who believes that he, one day in the not too distant future, will rule the entire world.

The Snake Lady

During Bentley's commissioning service, shortly after Wagner's decree, "Prophetess Stacey Campbell" (aka The Snake Lady) was called to the stage to join Wagner, Rick Joyner, and the other leaders of the three "apostolic streams."

Within seconds of arriving on the stage, Ms. Campbell launches into an uncontrollable frenzy of spitting, flailing, hissing and shaking. It's an absolutely amazing display, mainly because those standing around her during this bizarre episode, those "apostles" and "prophets" who claim to be leading the body of Christ, DO ABOSLUTELY NOTHING ABOUT IT!

Why didn't someone subdue Ms. Campbell? Why didn't someone take the microphone away from her, politely escort her off to the side, and then cast the devil out of her or otherwise relieve her of whatever demonic force she is obviously suffering from?

Watch the video below. As the spit flies across the stage, as this poor, clearly deranged woman jerks, and convulses, and hisses like a snake, take a look at the faces of the men around her. Look into their eyes, then ask yourself this question: Are these men behaving like leaders? Or are they acting like children, cowering in the face of evil?

"[W]henever a prophet speaks in my name and the prediction is not fulfilled, then I have not spoken it; the prophet has presumed to speak it, so you need not fear him." - Deut 18:22


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